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Life Experts stands for your interests

We would like to get to know you better as an investor. Are you someone who dares to take risks for a potentially higher return, or do you prefer security and the preservation of your capital? In addition, we are also curious about your vision on sustainability. Do you want to invest in projects that improve the world, or is return the most important thing for you?

To get a clear picture of your investor profile and your sustainability profile, we have developed a special test. This test takes into account your knowledge and experience, your financial situation and your personal preferences in terms of risk, return and sustainability.

The test takes about 13 minutes of your time.

After completing the test, you will receive one of the five investor profiles by email: ultra defensive, defensive, neutral, balanced or dynamic. In addition, you will also be assigned one of the four sustainability profiles: traditional, conscious, sustainable or impact-oriented.
These profiles indicate which types of investments suit you best. Together with you, we will look at the results and draw up a personal savings or investment plan that perfectly matches your wishes and needs.

Click on the icon above to start the test.

Both you and Life Experts will receive an email afterwards with an overview of your answers and your personal profile.

Last update: 20/09/2024